
Hello, Can You Hear Me? is a touring, Makaton imbued show and interactive audio exhibit for all the family, showing across the Wakefield district.

Discover Hello, Can You Hear Me? performances.

Find out more about the Hello, Can You Hear Me? exhibition.

The Show:

A local storyteller is having trouble remembering the Wakefield Legends.

They’re around here somewhere though and, with your help, we’ll be able to solve the riddles and free the stories!

Join Story Trails for this fun, interactive storytelling performance and discover the giant dog of Upton, the Horbury Boggart, local witches, donkeys that lived in kitchens and wells that would transport you to the land of the faerie!

The show is suitable for all ages.

‘People often think that legends and fairytales are for children, but that’s not true, they’re for everyone. And if we don’t tell them, then we don’t hear them, and then we lose them…’

It’s time to tell the old stories again.

It’s time to dial the past…

The Audio Exhibit:

After the show, you are invited to pick up the period telephone and to dial a number that will transport you to old tales from across the District.

There are ten tales to be discovered, broken up across easy-to-listen-to segments.

The exhibit includes a phonebook detailing each story, including the scripts, so that you can read-along, and content notes so that you can make an informed choice about what you, or any children in your care, decide to discover.

The exhibit is suitable for all ages.

This fun, accessible event has been developed by Beccy Dye from Story Trails and is funded by a Culture Grant from Wakefield Council as part of Our Year – Wakefield District 2024.