
Visit St John the Baptist church in Wakefield as part of Heritage Open Days 2024.

The Georgian building that is St John the Baptist Church in Wakefield is a fine example of post-reformation Church of England architecture. Set at the very centre of Wakefield’s St John’s Georgian Heritage Area. The Church occupies a prominent position amongst a built environment that has particular architectural merit.

The Church will be open for visitors to explore the inside features of the building.

Additionally, guided tours will be available which allow access to the otherwise inaccessible crypt under the main church building and the bell/clock tower.

Refreshments will be served.

Crypt tours at 1pm, 2pm and 3pm.

Accessibility details

Access to the tour of the crypt and the clock/bell tower is not suitable for people with mobility issues. Both tours involve steps – the clock/bell tower is accessed through a narrow, winding, circular stair case, no handrail and involves climbing approximately 100 steps to the very top. Uneven ground, no handrail and dim light in the Crypt. Please wear sturdy shoes.

Venue Details

Find us at

Wentworth Street, Wakefield, WF1 2QU


01924 371029