
The Electrical Association for Women (who celebrate their 100th anniversary this year) was instrumental in aiding the programme of the electricity network (what we now know as the National Grid), electricity enabled connectivity, and the EAW was a network throughout the UK of women promoting electricity in the home.

This free talk by Professor Graeme Gooday and Dr. Katie Carpenter (University of Leeds) will concentrate on the Electrical Association for Women and the role they played in promoting electricity in the home in the early 20th Century, in the West Riding, specifically Mabel Matthews.

Walk-ins and Pontefract Civic Society members accepted on the day without booking!

Light refreshments will be available after the talk. Donations will help cover costs.

The talk will take place in the Nelson Room on the first floor, and there is a lift. Toilets including disabled are all on the ground floor.

    Access facilities

  • Accessible Toilet
  • Wheelchair Accessible

Venue Details

Find us at

Bridge Street, Pontefract, WF8 1PG



