
Stanley lies above the River Calder. It nestles amid agricultural land, and is part of the Rhubarb Triangle.

It is hard to imagine what Stanley looked like years ago, when there were working coal mines and quarries all around the village, and it was criss-crossed by tram and rail lines. Several churches, chapels and schools served the growing population.

The now peaceful natural environments at Stanley Ferry, Bottomboat and Stanley Marsh would have been bustling and noisy with pits, wagons and barges carrying local coal. Steam trains cut through the village to stop at Stanley Station.

World-leading engineering firsts in rail and water transport happened here, and there was fierce competition among businesses. Stanley is still home to many successful and innovative industries including the William Lamb Group Ltd and the Stanley Ferry workshops, one of only two producing lock gates in the UK.

This heritage trail takes in traces of Stanley’s industrial past and listed buildings, as well as remnants of much older times, going back to the medieval, Roman and even Bronze Age (1700 BC). As you walk Stanley’s streets and trails, we invite you to imagine the people who lived and worked here, and see how they shaped Stanley as it is today.

Walk Information

Total Length: 6.7 miles (10.8km) with 38 points of interest.

The trail is divided into 3 shorter routes, that conveniently start or end near a local pub:

🚤 1. Waterways & Industry: 2.6 miles (4.2km).

⛪ 2. Life, Work & Worship: 3.1 miles (5km).

🚗 3. Transport & Enterprise: 1 mile (1.6km).

Download the full PDF map leaflet.

This map and trail was funded with a Culture Grant from Wakefield Council.

Venue Details

Find us at

391 Aberford Road, Stanley, WF3 4AD

