Please fill in the fields below to register your venue on our website. Once submitted, one of our team will double check to make sure everything is ok and notify you when it’s published on the site! Please note any fields with a * next to them denotes that it’s a required field and as such needs to be filled in otherwise the form won’t submit.

Images must be landscape and be a minimum width of 800 pixels and a minimum height of 600 pixels. Please do not include images with text.

Images must be landscape and be a minimum width of 800 pixels and a minimum height of 600 pixels. Please do not include images with text.


Please select the below venue type which best suits your venue, you can select as many as you like but please try to keep them specific to your venue!

The day of the week represented as a full word, e.g. Wednesday

true if the venue is open 24hrs on this weekday. false otherwise.

true if the venue is closed all day on this weekday. false otherwise.

A local time in the format HH:MM. This is not set if the venue is closed on this weekday.

A local time in the format HH:MM. This is not set if the venue is closed on this weekday.

Click the "Add Row" button below to start creating your layout
0 Additional opening hours

The day of the week represented as a full word, e.g. Wednesday

true if the venue is open 24hrs on this weekday. false otherwise.

true if the venue is closed all day on this weekday. false otherwise.

A local time in the format HH:MM. This is not set if the venue is closed on this weekday.

A local time in the format HH:MM. This is not set if the venue is closed on this weekday.


Indicates whether the venue is generally accessible for free by members of the public.

Indicates the starting price (in GBP) for entry to the venue. Only non-null if venue is not accessible for free.


Please select the below access facilities which best suit your venue, you can select as many as you like but please try to keep them specific to your venue!

Please select the below facilities which best suit your venue, you can select as many as you like but please try to keep them specific to your venue!

Please fill in the venue address details below.

Building/street address of venue.

street address of venue.

City in which venue is located.

County in which venue is located

Fully qualified URL of official website - this would normally be the homepage of the venue website.

Contact email address for the venue.

Just in case we need to get in touch regarding your event or submission please fill in the below details.

Just in case we need to get in touch regarding your venue or submission.

This tab contains additional fields, specific to Experience Wakefield, and not in the Culture Hosts API.

Visible below the main header on a single Venue page.


Enable Alert message.


Choose from all available panels to build up this page.

Click the "Add Panel" button below to start creating your layout
0 Guide and Top Picks

Select by individual posts or by Guide category

Select up to 4 posts to show on a Guide or Top picks section.

Panel will default to individually selected posts if no posts for selected category are found.

Bespoke Links can be added below, these can be Top Picks or Helpful Links. Simply select your image and enter your title, description and URL below.

0 Featured Item

Choose featured posts in order of importance. If a post has expired, the next post in the chain will be used.


    Provide a title to override the featured post's title.

    Provide a title to override the featured post's description.

    Provide an image or video to override the post's featured image.

    0 Feed

    Select the post types to show in the feed panel.

    Choose 'Or' to show posts that match any of these parameters. Choose 'And' to show posts that match all of these parameters.

    Configure the parameters for showing posts. If configuration is left blank, default WordPress ordering will be used.


    Select the posts you wish to display.

      Select the posts you wish to display.

        Select the posts you wish to display.

          Select the posts you wish to display.

            Select the parent event. Only Events that have Parent Event set will show. Nothing will be shown if the selected event is not categorised as "major".

              Select the parent event. This will show events from "Child Event ID's" field for current event.

                Choose the start date of the range.

                Choose the end date of the range.

                Choose related Venues.

                  Choose related Places.

                    Select opportunity types to show.

                      0 Call To Action
                      0 Details Map
                        0 Map
                        0 Copy
                        0 CrowdRiff
                        0 Newsletter

                        Recommended size: 400x360 pixels

                        0 Testimonial
                        0 Place Brand Header

                        Select background color for the panel.

                        Add spacing below the panel.

                        0 Images with caption

                        Recommended image size: 515x400 pixels

                        Recommended image size: 515x400 pixels

                        0 Image Slider

                        Recommended image size: 1050x600 pixels

                        Recommended image size: 1050x600 pixels

                        0 Search
                        0 Content
                        0 Image Header

                        Additional Images are used to create a slider.

                        0 Video

                        Add Youtube url link in here if the video is from Youtube.

                        File name:

                        File size:

                        0 Highlight Guides

                        Select 4 Guides for the Highlight Guides section.


                        Select Guide to Highlight.

                          If used, this will replace original title.

                          If used, this will replace original description.

                          If used, this will replace original image.


                          Select Guide to Highlight.

                            If used, this will replace original title.

                            If used, this will replace original description.

                            If used, this will replace original image.

                            0 Guides with Filter
                            0 All Events at this Venue
                            0 Accordion
                            0 Full Width Slider

                            1920x1080 or similar

                            800x1000 or similar

                            0 Two Column Content Image

                            1000x1000 or similar

                            0 Two Column Slider

                            1280x720 or similar

                            0 Full Width Video

                            1920x1080 preferably

                            1920x1080 or the same size as the video

                            0 Two Column Content Aside
                            Click the "Add Row" button below to start creating your layout
                            0 Content
                            0 Button
                            0 Quote
                            0 Two Column Image Content

                            1000x700 or similar

                            0 Accordions
                            0 Content Centered
                            0 Two Column Content Image Grey

                            1200x750 or similar

                            This will also toggle the audio play functionality. The audio will show up and autoplay when the button is clicked.

                            0 Two Column Content Image Blue

                            1200x750 or similar

                            This will also toggle the audio play functionality. The audio will show up and autoplay when the button is clicked.

                            0 Two Column Image Content Repeatable

                            1200x750 or similar

                            0 Mapbox

                            Center the initial map
